At Woodchurch C of E, we aim to foster a deep understanding of core mathematical concepts and instil a lifelong love for the subject. The curriculum is designed to be ambitious, well-sequenced, building upon prior knowledge and facilitating progression. A clearly planned teaching sequence allows children to develop numerical fluency, to be able to reason in a variety of ways and apply their learning to the context of measure to develop their problem-solving skills. Within the subject, we also aim to challenge gender stereotypes and make learning fun and relevant by using technology, transferring Mathematical skills to other subjects and using real-life contexts to teach skills. Our aim is for as many children as possible to be working at age related expectations and for an increasing number to be able to apply their prior knowledge to mastery.
Early Years
At Woodchurch C of E, we understand the importance of early experiences of maths, and have committed to the Early Adopter Framework within our Early Years setting. This approach places a significant emphasis on developing a strong grounding in number – understanding that this is a necessary building block for children to excel in the subject. The two key ELG’s for mathematics are:
Number: Number composition, subitising, recall of bonds to 5 and 10 and doubling
Numerical Pattern: Verbally count beyond 20, Compare quantities, explore and represent patterns
Practitioners provide creative and engaging opportunities for children to ignite their curiosity and enthusiasm for the subject, while focusing on the three prime areas of: Communication and Language, Physical Development and PSED. Activities and experiences are frequent and varied, and allow children to build on and apply understanding of Numbers to 10. Concrete manipulatives are a key focus within sessions, as is the use of pictorial representations including Tens Frames and Part/Whole Models. Children are actively encouraged to use mathematical terminology within their understanding, with a focus on developing positive attitudes and interest in the subject.
How we teach it?
Through the promotion of a positive mind-set, we hope to enhance the teaching of fluency, reasoning in problem solving in real life situations with an increased emphasis on the key need for financial education in our ever-changing world with its increasing challenges.
Teaching materials are sourced from the White Rose Mathematics Curriculum with support via long term and medium overviews provided by Mathematics consultant, Tara Loughran. This means we can deliver a curriculum built around key concepts allows our children to develop mastery at their pace, allowing for consolidation of key facts.

Fluent Recall: We are committed to ensuring that pupils secure their knowledge of Times Tables and Related Division Facts by the end of Year 4. Our pupils engage in regular low stakes testing through Times Tables Rock Stars to practise fluent recall. Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars are used daily to support the acquisition and consolidation of key facts.
Mathematical Vocabulary: Sessions include explicit reference to vital mathematical vocabulary and the use of stem sentences to support and encourage all children to communicate their ideas with mathematical precision and clarity. These sentence structures often express key conceptual ideas or generalities and provide a framework to embed conceptual knowledge and build understanding.
How can you support your child at home?
Maths KS2 – Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica