School Uniform
Woodchurch C.E. Primary School is justifiably proud of its reputation within the community. Within school itself there exists a calm atmosphere which encourages effort, enjoyment and a celebration of the achievements of all our pupils. The school’s concern for these high standards is also reflected in the pride we take in our school uniform. In order to maintain a strong sense of identity and belonging within our school, we require all pupils to wear school uniform which consists of:-

Key information
Bottle green sweatshirt or cardigan
Red/White polo shirt
Standard grey (not black) school trousers (boys or girls)
Grey skirt or grey pinafore – knee length
Grey tights (plain) or grey/white socks for girls
Grey socks for boys
Black, flat school shoes – no open toed shoes
Summer Options
Red or green school summer dresses (knee length)
Bottle green school cardigan
Standard school grey shorts
Sun hat
PE Kit- to be worn on PE days
School PE T-shirt
Black jogging bottoms or shorts
No leggings please
Black pumps or trainers (no expensive trainers please)
For swimming:
A one piece costume for the girls and swimming trunks for the boys (not shorts)
Items such as trousers, pinafores and polo shirts are all readily available in the high street – if parents find it difficult to obtain any items, please contact school or Wirral Fuss, you can contact them here.
Hair should be neat and tidy and worn with no extremes of style. Long hair should be kept in place with clips, slides or headbands, which should be simple and not too big that they could be a health and safety problem.
Jewellery is not permitted in school, along with make up or nail varnish. Should a pupil have pierced ears, plain studs only may be worn and in order to comply with health and safety regulations, must be covered with micro pore tape, during all PE activities. It is the responsibility of parents to provide micro pore tape.
Woodchurch C.E. Primary School will respect variations to our school uniform if they are directly related to established religious traditions. However, any variation will be dealt with on an individual basis and judgements will remain at the discretion of the Headteacher and the governing body.
We recommend Design & Stitch in Moreton, all uniform is available to purchase from this supplier.