“The School, Through Its Distinctive Christian Character, Is Outstanding At Meeting The Needs Of All Learners.” (SIAMS)

“Music is the universal language of mankind”

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Why we teach it

At Woodchurch CE Primary, we believe that our music curriculum should engage and inspire our children to develop not only a love of music, but also their creativity and talents as musicians.

How we teach it

Music is taught through the Charanga scheme; where the following strands of the music curriculum are developed through carefully sequenced units and the delivery of key skills and knowledge:

  • Playing and performing
  • Creating and composing
  • Responding and reviewing
  • Listening and understanding

In addition, children in Key Stage 2 have the opportunity to access brass and viola lessons.


Headteacher: Mr Brian McGregor
Church Lane, Woodchurch
Wirral CH49 7LS
0151 677 4788